I'm sick, but I know that its something I've totally brought upon myself. I was eating like total and utter crap which totally weakened my immune system. Its funny how your body constantly reminds me that I'm supposed to be eating a more natural, raw diet and I keep ignoring it.. or finding excuses. I refuse to keep making the same mistakes over and over because that is the true definition of insanity.
I just celebrated my 22nd birthday, yay! I'm more determined now though that by December, and certainly by the time that I turn 23 there's certain battles that I no longer want to be fighting. I don't want to struggle with my weight or with an ED.. its not the business. Quite frankly I know that once I get this taken care of I'll have so many doors opening up to me because I can move on to accomplish new tasks. In the next few days, I'm getting my old dehydrator and food processor sent to me as well as some of my supplements and seasonings from my old apartment. I cant wait!!!
I'm learning that its not about having time, its all about making time. So, before I go to bed I'm going to make some snacks to get me through tomorrow. I have a midterm tomorrow and I already know I will be spending most of the night studying, so it will be helpful for me to have healthy snackage that I can turn to, so I don't crash, or binge on bagels and cream cheese.
I've been 100% raw since monday and I plan to keep it that way!!! So now I'm going to start saying I've been a raw (85%<) since 10/12/09 that way its more apart of my lifestyle than it is something temporary or something that I can just throw away with a bad food choice.
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